We invite foresters, researchers, startups, and political decision makers to submit contributions for the following topics and be a part of SmartForest 2025.
SmartForest 2025 – Data Spaces & AI for Environment & Forestry
SmartForest 2025 creates a space to come together and find solutions that will make forestry more digital, innovative, sustainable, and climate adjusted.
The conference’s goals are:
- Interdisciplinary Exchange to develop joint solution strategies
- Networking between science, commerce, politics, administration, and civil society
- Harmonising Sustainability and Economic Efficiency to balance business and nature
- Transfer Knowledge to solve concrete issues, both today and in the future

The Forest of Today: Global changes are rapidly affecting our forests. How can we best survey the current condition of the forest? What are the current trends in terrestrial and remote sensing methods? Which of the many possible parameters are most relevant in practice?
- New developments surrounding forest inventories, terrestrial, and remote sensing methods to assess the current state of the forest
- Initiatives to make the data being generated more useable and useful

The Forest of Tomorrow In the coming decades, the changes within the forest will increase even more rapidly. This will pose new challenges to forest managers and owners. Which changes are to be expected? What can we do to prepare the forest for the future? What are the biggest issues and how can we solve them?
- Estimated impact of global changes (climate change, modification of disruption regimes, invasive species, etc.) on the future of central European forests
- Evaluation of management measures
- Effects on ecosystems, such as such as carbon storage and biodiversity

Data & AI: The ever-increasing availability of large amounts of data and new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, provides opportunities for the forestry sector. Which possibilities exist to make the available data more useful and deliver it where needed? What new opportunities are arising thanks to the technological revolution? What is the most efficient way to integrate new technical methods into operational workflows?
- Data Spaces and efficient data exchange platforms
- Uses of new tools, such as AI and Digital Twins
- Ideas for innovative applications

Silviculture & Forestry Practice: Time is short. Forestry practitioners need the right tools and information to be available today in order to manage their current challenges. Which tools are already available? Where are the practical innovations? What is the most efficient way to record and communicate practical needs?
- What are the main practical requirements?
- Data collection and analysis tools for foresters
- Decision support systems
Abstracts must be submitted according to the following criteria:
- Maximum 1-3 pages including illustrations and graphics
- The following questions should be addressed:
o What challenge does your contribution address?
o What is the innovation potential?
o Which stakeholders are affected?
o What added value or use should be generated for the conference participants?
o What feedback do you expect from the other participants? - Format: PDF file
Abstracts are accepted from October 15th to December 15th, 2024. Every contribution can only be submitted for a single topic. Submissions are exclusively accepted through our online review system.